Presentazione Progetto
The initiative “Cardiology Grand Rounds” arises from the need to provide cardiologists and cardiology residents an opportunity of focusing on topical issues within cardiovascular pathology and its diagnostic and therapeutic pathways. Aim of these meetings is the discussion of cardiology themes, moving from real clinical cases that will be discussed in detail regarding the most appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic management, based on the scientific evidence coming from large clinical trials and most recent guidelines. During the meetings, we will discuss most innovative aspects of clinical, diagnostic and interventional cardiology, with the contribute of high level and international reputation cardiologists, coming from Italy and other European countries. Among the themes that will be discussed there will be cardiovascular prevention, with a special attention to lipid lowering treatment and arterial hypertension control, therapeutic adherence, coronary artery disease diagnosis and treatment including the discussion of novel antianginal, anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, cardiac arrhythmias and their pharmacological and electrical treatment, valvular heart disease, including recently introduced trans-catheter treatment. The meetings will represent an opportunity of discussion about hot topics of everyday clinical practice, the occasion for cardiologists and cardiology residents to share a critical analysis of most recent scientific literature, and the opportunity to promote the adoption of evidence-based methods in the clinical practice
Informazioni ECM
► ID ECM: 275202
► Ore formative: 4
► Obiettivo formativo:
► Crediti ECM: 4
► Informazioni ECM:
- Partecipare nella misura del 90% ai lavori scientifici per i quali è stato richiesto l’accreditamento
- Compilare il questionario di apprendimento (rispondere correttamente almeno al 75% delle domande), la scheda di valutazione dell’evento, la
scheda di iscrizione
- Riconsegnare al termine dell’evento, presso la segreteria, tutta la documentazione debitamente compilata e firmata
Tutti i partecipanti e i relatori, attenendosi alle attuali normative ministeriali (indipendentemente dai crediti e dalle discipline accreditate), sono tenuti a compilare e consegnare il materiale rilasciato dalla segreteria.
► Professioni:
- Medico chirurgo
- Cardiochirurgia
- Cardiologia
- Geriatria
- Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio
- Medicina e chirurgia di accettazione e di urgenza
- Medicina generale (medici di famiglia)
- Medicina interna
► Partecipanti: 40
► Costo: Gratuito
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